Monthly Archives: September 2013

Tomorrow is the Big Day-Our Interview with Hannah Alexander

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up about our interview with Christian author, Hannah Alexander and the autographed book giveaway, Keeping Faith.  The giveaway will run October 1st – 8th, 2013 and the winner will be drawn on October 9th and notified by email.

Here’s a little YouTube presentation to hopefully get your interest:


Filed under Featured Author & Book Giveaway

The Winner of our Book Giveaway with Elizabeth Ludwig is…..

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Carol from Trevose, PA is our winner!

Congratulations, Carol.  We are excited you won and I know you are going to love this book…the whole series!!

Thanks to everyone who made comments and entered the giveaway, you really, really blessed Elizabeth.  She said to me in an email yesterday;

Thank you so much, Debbie. I’ve been very encouraged by the number of people who said things like “I’m not familiar with this author” or “I haven’t read these books”, because that means you’ve helped me reach new readers!!

And that’s great!  There are some really great Christian authors out there that we haven’t “met” yet and getting to know them through these interviews and book reviews posted on this blog and other Christian book review blogs is wonderful!

For those who didn’t win, I do hope you’ll find you a copy of this series by Elizabeth and start reading.


Filed under Featured Author & Book Giveaway

For Every Season (Amish Vines and Orchards, Book 3) by Cindy Woodsmall (5 Stars)

Amish Fiction at it’s Best!!!


For Every Season (Amish Vines and Orchards, Book 3) by Cindy Woodsmall

The story continues with Rhoda, Samuel, and Jacob.  They have moved to Maine with some of their families and Landon, the Englisher, and are working hard to establish the run-down orchard before harvest.  Working on the orchard is easy compared to working on their relationships.  Rhoda and Jacob are still in love and trying so hard to make their relationship work, but Jacob’s past still keeps getting in the way.  He’s always running off to help Sandra and Casey.  He’s finally getting smart and learning that he needs to give his all in working things out with Rhoda, but lies are still turning up.

Then there’s Leah, who takes it on herself to invite Iva, from another Amish community, to come join their community and give them the extra help they need with the household chores.  When the brothers find out about what she’s done, they are not exactly what I would call “happy”.  But as with all things, God has a plan and it seems like His hand was in this move.  Iva had her own reasons for leaving her family and she’s trying very  hard to fit in with the the new Orchard Bend Farm.

Meanwhile, more and more information is surfacing about Camilla and Bob, who Rhoda is living with, and she’s still hearing voices.  She’s getting help from Landon to help her track down leads on what she’s learning and if you thought the last book was mysterious, then you’re in for more mystery!  It’s hard to say more, because I don’t want to spoil this book by telling too much.  All I will say is that some things are resolved and some things aren’t!

I’m so thankful that there will be a final book in this series, Seasons of Tomorrow,  coming in April 2014.  This has been a fantastic Amish series and I have enjoyed every book so much. Once I get started reading, it’s hard to put the book down.  Cindy has a way of drawing you into the story and getting you so involved with the characters you’ll find yourself being drawn into the book like you are one of the characters.  I love these kinds of books, when I finally finish them I feel like I’ve lost some great friends and sometimes, gladly getting rid of some characters I don’t like!

You don’t want to miss this series…you have to start with A Season of Tending #1, then you will want to immediately pick up, The Winnowing Season #2, then hurry to read this book and then wait until April 2014 before we can finally discover all the mystery and discover all the characters true loves!

“I received a copy of this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for the purpose of this review and for my honest opinion and did not receive any compensation for a favorable review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

These books are in our Media Center for our church members to come and check out and enjoy!


Filed under Book Reviews

Great FREE e-Books Today!!

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I have some great deals for you today. Be sure to look at the dates (if listed) that tell when they are free and just because I’ve only listed the Kindle link, it doesn’t mean that Nook, iBooks, etc. doesn’t have them on sale.  So check with your e-reader store and just make sure the price is FREE before downloading.

  • FREE (9/27 – 9/28) on Kindle:  Dead Lawyers Tell No Tales by Randy Singer (Thank you Tyndale House!)  I’ve read this book and it’s GOOD, so I highly recommend you download this while it’s FREE!
  • FREE on Kindle:  Shades of Mercy by Anita Lustrea and Caryn Dahlstrand Rivadeneira.  I’ve never heard of either of these authors, but some great Christian authors have recommended this book, so I’m getting it!
  • FREE on Kindle:  Lacy’s Lane by Patricia Strefling
  • FREE on Kindle:  Heart of the County by Rene Gutteridge and John Ward.  I’ve just discovered Rene (Misery Loves Company) and I’m excited about reading this book!
  • FREE on Kindle:  The Sea Glass Sisters (Prelude to The Prayer Box) by Lisa Wingate.  The Prayer Box is a great book and I’m so looking forward to reading this novella about the sea glass sisters!


Filed under Free E-Books

To Be Great, Remain Little

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While painting the door frame between the living room and kitchen, I noticed little dots placed there long ago to mark our son Christopher’s growth.  He could not wait to grow up and even worried that when he did grow up, he would be too short.  Most children look forward to growing up and the opportunity to be independent and self-sufficient.

Once children stop growing physically, they look forward to growing in other areas.  Some aspire to grow in knowledge, some in skill, others in strength, and still others in popularity.  The idea of remaining childlike seems contrary to our natural desire to grow and do great things.  Nonetheless, Jesus wants us to “remain little.”

In order to serve him, Jesus wants us to change our natural tendency toward self-realization and aggrandizement.  When asked who would be greatest in the kingdom of heaven, he answered:  “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”


Even as we grow physically and intellectually “in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man” as Jesus did, we need to remain humble and submitted and to God. (Luke 2:52) We must remain dependent on His love, his grace, his mercy and his will in the same way that a little child is dependent on a human father for every need.

Decreasing our stature before God comes with everlasting benefits.  Just as humility or remaining childlike before God opens opportunities for service, it also makes every believer a vehicle God can use to receive and proclaim God’s word of truth.  In Luke 10:21, Jesus says: “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.” Humility equips us to enter God’s kingdom where God will lift us up to a position of heirs and write our names in the Book of Life.  Matthew 18:4 says: “Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

Dearest Heavenly Father,

Only you are good.  You are a loving God, trustworthy and everlasting.  We are fallen by nature, inclined to be selfish, unreliable in our behavior, and finite.  Thank you for claiming us as your little children.  Thank you for forgiving our sins and for the promise of a future with you in heaven.

In the name of Jesus, who humbled himself by becoming one of us,



Filed under Uncategorized

A Beautiful Fall by Chris Coppernoll (FREE e-book 9/26 – 9/27)

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Here’s a FREE e-book offered by David C Cook.  It’s just FREE 9/26 – 9/27.  So get it quick.  It sounds good.  I haven’t read anything by this author but I love the cover and the book description.  I have only linked directly to Kindle, so if you have another e-reader, please check their store because it may be free with them too!


Filed under Free E-Books

A Bride for Keeps by Melissa Jagears (5 Stars)

Excellent Historical Romance


A Bride for Keeps by Melissa Jagear (Bethany House) releases on October 1, 2013

This novel is set in Kansas in the Spring of 1876.  Everett Cline has tried three times to get a mail-order bride.  Each time ended in disaster.  Everett had given up, and bless his heart, I do believe I would have to if all that had happened to me.  Everett may have given up, but his best friends wife, Rachel, didn’t give up.  She decided if Everett wasn’t going to try again, she would try for him.  He was just too good of a man to be all alone on his farm with no help and no company and most importantly, no one to love.

Everett gets a big surprise when he’s in town and the train is due and everyone keeps looking at him like they know something he doesn’t.  Well, Rachel, his friend’s wife, made all the plans and now that Everett was finally catching on to what was up, he was not happy.  How could he be happy!  The last three women had left him humiliated and he was pretty much the town’s laughing stock.  But here comes the train and the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on stepped off and Rachel went to greet her like they were the best of friends!  Oh, how he didn’t think he could stand for his heart to get broken again, but there she was, already tugging at his heart and he was bound and determined he was not going to open that door again.

Julia Lockwood had a past of her own and she had been terribly hurt by her father and her former fiancé.  So hurt, that she didn’t want anything to do with men again, but her father kicked her out and she had no place else to go.  So when the letters from Rachel started coming, they forged a friendship and Rachel told her about Everett and his need for a wife to help him on his farm.

This whole book was delightful.  The back and forth between Everett and Julia, the problems it created with others in the area.  And oh, the love that was growing, yet was being pushed back at every chance.  Sometimes I just wanted to jump inside the book and grab both of them and tie them together and say “you’re not going anywhere until everything is said and settled!”  I love books that draw me in and make me feel like I’m there and want to talk to the characters (sometime I do talk to them, yell at them, and laugh and cry with them).  This is one of those books.

It’s hard to believe that this is Melissa’s first novel.  Great job and I can’t wait for more books from this new author!

You’ve got to go out and get this book and read it!  I totally recommend it to anyone who loves great historical romances! You can buy it from any major book retailers and if you have an e-reader you can download it in a second and be reading before you have time to say “mail-order-brides”!

I will donate this book to our church Media Center so our patrons can check it out and enjoy it also.  I can pretty much tell you that everyone will love it.  Some of our regular patrons who love historical fiction will be fighting for it! Just kidding, we don’t fight in our Media Center! 🙂  But there will be a waiting list, I’m sure of that.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers and the author for my honest opinion and did not receive any compensation for a favorable review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Let’s meet Melissa:


Bio: Melissa Jagears, an ESL teacher by trade, is a stay-at-home mother to two small children on a tiny Kansas farm with a fixer-upper house. She’s a member of ACFW and CROWN fiction marketing, and her passion is to help Christian believers mature in their faith and judge rightly.

Author Contact Information:


Facebook Author Page:


Facebook Blog Page:



Email: mjagears AT gmail DOT com


“Melissa Jagears is a stand-out talent! Her fresh new voice is strong, stylish, and makes A Bride for Keeps a page-turner for anyone who fancies a stirring love story. Vivid description and unforgettable, heart-tugging scenes between hero and heroine transform the ever-popular mail order bride storyline into something much more real and three-dimensional. In this appealing novel, Ms. Jagears demonstrates beyond doubt that the aplomb of the writer determines the quality of the story.” – Rosslyn Elliot

“As slow and gentle as a prairie breeze over the wheat plains of Kansas, Melissa Jagears has penned a tender tale of a mail-order bride who takes both the groom—and herself—by surprise when love comes softly … quietly … to heal their broken hearts.” – Julie Lessman

“Melissa’s book is just beautiful.Her writing put me in mind of Janette Oke’s sweet prairie romances but with a bit more edge, which I found compelling. The heroine’s trauma at the hands of a man and the hero’s former attempts at finding a wife echo their feelings of worthlessness. I particularly loved how Everett, with his conflicted feelings finds in his own way he’s brought Julia to the same kind of pain that Ned brought Helga. The two couples, one who overcame through faith and one who didn’t, reflected each other in a way that made the whole story more powerful. I loved it.” – Mary Connealy
A Bride for Keeps treats readers to an engaging prairie romance when God’s will and love collide, delivering a heart-warming, satisfying read reminiscent in the style of Kim Vogel Sawyer.” – Maggie Brendan
Professional Reviews:
“Beautiful, descriptive writing makes for excellent storytelling in Jagears’ debut. Everett and Julia are two stubborn, strong-willed yet vulnerable characters at the center of a story about surrender and love. With a well-crafted plot, Jagears deftly expresses the characters’ struggle to overcome feelings of self-doubt on their journey toward God and each other.” –RT Book Reviews
Melissa has also written a novella, Love by the Letter, that released on September 1, 2013. This was excellent too and the best part is that for now it’s a FREE download on Kindle.  It may be on other e-readers also, so check your store.  But, get it, read it, and savor it…it’s delightful also!
Oh, Melissa, you have blessed my heart by your books and I’m looking forward to more books!  So write, write, write, quick, quick, quick!!!! 🙂


Filed under Book Reviews

Another FREE e-Book – Today only – 9/24/13

I hate to bother y’all with another post, but it’s a FREE book!  I  can’t pass that up.  I’m listing the kindle link, but check your e-reader store if you have something other than a kindle, I think it’s offered by other e-readers too.   And this is compliments of David C Cook Publishing!  Thanks so much!!

  • FREE (9/24) on Kindle:  Reinventing Rachel by Alison Strobel (she’s Lee Strobel’s daughter!) For our church  members, we have this book in the Media Center.


Filed under Free E-Books

Dani Pettrey: Stranded GIVEAWAY 24-30 September 2013

This is a great chance to win a great book! Dani Pettrey is one of my new favorite authors! Be sure to follow the link at the bottom of this giveaway and read the interview with Dani on this blog…it’s a great one!


I am so thrilled to have Dani Pettrey on my blog this week, as I suppose you can tell from the numerous posts 🙂 !!
Firstly, however, I just wish to say a big THANKYOU to Dani for generously donating the signed copy of her latest book from her Alaskan Courage Series – Stranded. I certainly don’t know how to thank you enough!!! So, wish to be in the draw to win a copy?? Simply follow the rules below ….

Giveaway Rules:
1. You MUST be a US resident (really appologise to anyone who isn’t)
2. Leave a comment at the end of THIS post. One entry per person.
3. DO NOT include your personal mailing address in your comment for security reasons.
4. If we do not hear back from you in 5 days, we will draw another winner.
5. Please allow 2-3 weeks for book delivery.

View original post 314 more words


Filed under Uncategorized

Friends, Food, Fellowship and Fiction – September 21, 2013


For Every Season (Amish Vines and Orchards, Book 3) by Cindy Woodsmall

Once again we had the best time talking about this book.  This is the third in the series and thankfully, there will be a fourth! If not, I do believe we would have all jumped in a van and driven to see Cindy and got down on our hands and knees pleading for more!!!

We had tons of great food, just like always, but I was first in line (I don’t know why that always happens) and I was totally amazed when I got to a beautiful plate of apple strudel and laying on the plate was this cute little box with a cellophane cutout on top and you could see some more of the apple strudel inside.  The label on the box said “Orchard Bend Farms”.  I just stood there dumbfounded.  I’m like…what?  where did this come from?  Someone from the back of the line said “Maine” and then it’s like I had entered the Twilight Zone…I felt like I’d finally read so much fiction that I had actually entered into the book!  Finally, they drew me out of my stupor (they wanted food) and told me that Judy had the idea and Joanne made the box and label and bought the apple strudel from Publix!  I wish I had thought to get a picture of it.  It was just PERFECT!

After eating all the delicious food, we moved to the living room and sat down with our books/kindles and Carmen passed out our questions.  Once again we were all…Team Jacob and Team Samuel.  Although I will admit by the end of the book, I switched teams.  We were all talking, laughing, and having the best time and we wondered what Cindy Woodsmall would think of us as we discussed this book!  She would have love it!!!  Carmen did a great job, as usual with our handouts and questions and leading us in our discussion.

We are going to have to wait for Book 4, it doesn’t come out until April 2014, so we will be reading three other books for our November and January and March meetings.

Carmen has decided on Chris Fabry’s latest book for our November 9th meeting at Sylvia S. home.  The name of the book is, Every Waking Moment.  We will meet at 9:30am for breakfast and then, I’m sure, another lively discussion with lots of laughter and love!

Carmen will be ordering the books soon, so please let her know to order you one.  You can also download your own copy on your e-reader, or buy a copy at The Carpenter’s Shop (last week they had some in stock).  We also have a copy in the Media Center, so if you plan on reading that book, COME IN THIS WEEK and get your name on the list.  We only have one book and about 4-5 people who need to read it, so we have to get going and read fast!

If you are going to download your own copy on your e-reader, wait until 10/20 – 10/26, because Tyndale House will have it on sale for $1.99 on just about any e-reader you have!  So, this is a great deal that I hope you can take advantage of, thanks Tyndale!!!

Here’s the trailer to the book:


Filed under Book Club Photos, Women's Book Club

FREE e-Books – Today Only – September 24, 2013

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Filed under Free E-Books

Interview with Christian Author – Elizabeth Ludwig – and Book Giveaway!

Y’all are in for a treat today!  We have a fantastic interview with Christian author, Elizabeth Ludwig.  Her current series that is out, The Edge of Freedom, has two books already and I’m eagerly waiting for the third book next year!!   She has generously donated an autographed copy of, Dark Road Home, as our giveaway this week: 9/23 – 9/27 (the winner will be selected on 9/28).

Enter to win an autographed copy of this book!  9/23 through 9/27

Enter to win an autographed copy of this book! 9/23 through 9/27

I have been in contact with her through email and she is one of the sweetest people you’d ever want to meet!  So, let’s get to the interview so you can “meet” her too!

Elizabeth Ludwig

Elizabeth Ludwig (Isn’t she beautiful?)

Here’s Elizabeth’s Bio:

Elizabeth Ludwig is the award-winning author of No Safe Harbor and Dark Road Home, Books One and Two in the Edge of Freedom series. Her popular literary blog, The Borrowed Book, enjoys a wide readership. Elizabeth is an accomplished speaker and teacher, often attending conferences and seminars where she lectures on editing for fiction writers, crafting effective novel proposals, and conducting successful editor/agent interviews. Along with her husband and children, she makes her home in the great state of Texas. To learn more, visit

Let’s get to know Elizabeth better through this interview:

The Edge of Freedom series is about Irish immigrants coming to New York.  Are you an Irish descendent that immigrated or does this era just fascinate you?

Hey, Debbie! First, let me start by saying I’m so thrilled to be on your blog, and I can’t wait to talk with your readers!

Now, to business.

Though many of my ancestors emigrated from Europe, I am not Irish. I am part Spaniard, part Mexican, and 100% American! LOL! My husband’s family, however, does have some Irish blood, as well as German and Dutch. I guess that’s why I wanted to write a story about immigrants—to do our ancestors justice and make them proud!

It would seem like writing an historical novel would take a lot of research.  How much time did it take you to research this book?

Oh my goodness…by far, this series has involved more research than any I have ever had to do. Part of that was simply because the saga carries across two continents. Not only was researching New York City in 1897, I was researching Ireland and everything that was happening there during the same time period. Fortunately, I stumbled across the Ellis Island Foundation’s website, which helped me immensely. I also found and studied a wonderful PBS production called Forgotten Ellis Island, which provided such an interesting look into America’s history.

I’m always interested in author’s process of writing a book.  How do you come up with your ideas?  Do you plan the whole story out or just start writing and see where it takes you?

It’s a little of both, I think. I always start out with a detailed timeline, but every now and then, inspiration strikes, and the story takes off in a direction I didn’t see coming. For example, in No Safe Harbor, when Douglas Healy comes to visit the boarding house, I really had to stop and ask myself what he was doing there. It was in my timeline, but his motivation for being there, and what he would say when he arrived, those things eluded me. Finally, inspiration took over, and I realized he wouldn’t lie about why he came. He would do something even more shocking—he would tell the truth. Not only was it believable, it was a stunning twist that readers have told me totally caught them off guard.

Where do you like to write?  At a desk or sitting in a comfy chair?  Desktop computer or laptop?

We have a room in our house that is very comfortable and private—no TV, no phones, no distractions whatsoever. It’s decorated like an old-fashioned parlor, and I absolutely love it because it transports me to another era. And of course, there’s my comfy red chair…

Elizabeth's "quiet room" with her comfy red chair!

Elizabeth’s “quiet room” with her comfy red chair!

So far there are two books in this series, No Safe Harbor #1, and Dark Road Home #2.  When will book 3 be released?  I can’t wait!  Can you tell us something about Book 3?

Book 3 in the series, Tide and Tempest, releases in February, 2014, and believe it or not, I’m as excited about it’s release as you are!! Originally, I had intended for Edge of Freedom to be a two book series, so this was the only story that wasn’t planned. It has turned out to be my favorite. I love, love, love this hero and heroine—Keondric and Tillie. Their story amazed me, and their love was just phenomenal to write.

Also, I share a common grief with Tillie—the loss of a child. I think that’s why she resonated with me so deeply. I really hope her triumph over guilt and grief speaks to readers.

The Edge of Freedom Series by Elizabeth Ludwig

The Edge of Freedom Series by Elizabeth Ludwig

How many books have you written and are they all historical? 

All told, I have eight books to my credit, with two more to come in 2014. They are not all historical, in fact, I started out writing cozy mysteries (think Murder She Wrote starring Angela Lansbury). From there, I went to writing Contemporary Romance, and then finally came full circle to my first love, which was Historical Romance with more than a touch of Suspense. Readers can find a complete list of my books here.

What’s your favorite genre when you have time to sit down and read?

Definitely Romantic Suspense. Definitely. Definitely Romantic Suspense.

Who’s your favorite author?

Oh, this is hard. I love several—Dani Pettry, Jessica Dotta, Michelle Griep…they are all fabulous storytellers, but if I had to pick a favorite, I would probably say Francine Rivers. She influenced how I right early, and I’ve admired her ever since.

What are you reading now? 

I just finished A Heart Deceived by Michelle Griep. It’s an amazing book by a very talented writer. And I love that it has that Gothic Regency type feel that I try to infuse in my own books.

If you could go anywhere in the whole world for a vacation, where would it be?

Ireland. Absolutely. I would love to see and taste the culture that I’ve spent so much time researching.

What’s your favorite Bible verse and why?

My favorite scripture, one I sign all my books with, is from Habakkuk 2:2-3. It says:

2 Then the LORD answered me and said: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. 3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

I received these verses at a time when I was really questioning my call to write. Now, it is a reminder to me that God is faithful to complete the good work HE has begun.

What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

LOL! Well, anyone who knows me would say, what day is it, cuz she does crazy stuff all the time. Just recently, I was sitting at The Cheesecake Factory, and Shaquille O’Neal walked by. For a second, I was too stunned to say anything, but then, I saw him start down the stairs. From my vantage point, I could see him hop up onto the hand rail, as though he wanted to slide down. For a split second, our eyes met, and then I sorta growled, “Dooo it!”

He just smiled, and slid down the railing! LOLOL!

Shaquille O'Neal and his ride down the hand rails!

Shaquille O’Neal and his ride down the hand rails!

If you could meet one person, living or dead, who would it be and why?

There are many people I would love to meet, but I think I’d like to chat with George W. Bush about his faith, his family, and his presidency.

Is there anything else you would like our readers to know about you?

I have a website at and a blog at, but my favorite place to connect is still on facebook. I hope you’ll stop by!

Quick, Quirky Questions:

Are you a list maker? Always.

Do you like to cook? Love it. Wish I knew how.

What’s your favorite food? Pizza. Or Pasta. Or M&M’s. Oh, and seafood.

Do you have a pet? Dachshunds! Four of them. LOL!

What’s your favorite color? Black and Gold, especially when worn by the Steelers.

What’s your favorite holiday? Christmas.

Do you have a hobby? Knitting! And skiing. Sometimes both at the same time.

Elizabeth, I feel like I got to know the “real you” while reading this interview.  I loved your answers and finding out about your talent for skiing and knitting at the same time! LOL!!!!  

Thank you so much for being with us today and for being so generous by donating an autographed book for our giveaway.  I know everyone that comments will be looking forward to your comments back to them.  That makes it SO special!  

Now for the autographed book giveaway:

Enter to win an autographed copy of this book!  9/23 through 9/27

Enter to win an autographed copy of this book! 9/23 through 9/27

  1. You must be 18 years or older and be a U.S. resident.
  2. Leave a comment in the comment section at the end of THIS post.  One entry per person.
  3. We will randomly compile a list of everyone who made a comment and will draw a name on 9/28/13.  We will then notify you by email giving you further instructions on collecting your free book.  DO NOT include your personal mailing address in your comment for security reasons.
  4. If we do not hear back from you in 5 days, we will draw another winner.
  5. Please allow 2-3 weeks for book delivery. And we can’t be held responsible for lost books, sorry! (So far, everyone who has won a book has received it.  Way to go USPS!!!)
  6. If you win the book it would be really great if you could come back to this post after you have read it and tell us what you thought about the book.


Filed under Featured Author & Book Giveaway

FREE e-Books – September 22, 2013

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Here are two freebies.  I know the dates for the first one but I don’t know about the second book, so get it quickly.  Also, I’ve only included the link to the kindle store.  If you have another e-reader, check out their store because the books could be on sale there too!  Just double check the price before downloading, prices change quickly.

  • FREE (9/22 – 9/28) on Kindle:  I’m No Angel by Kylie Biscutti (this great offer is from Tyndale House)
  • FREE on Kindle:  Necessary Deception (The Daughters of Bainbridge House #1) by Laurie Alice Eakes (I’ve read her book, Lady of the Mist, and I really enjoyed it so I’m looking forward to reading this novel!)


Filed under Free E-Books

Here’s a Great Interview with Rene Gutteridge from another Blogger Friend

Hey, I wanted to let you know about this great interview with one of my newest favorite authors, Rene Gutteridge.  And there is a book giveaway involved too!


Just visit my friend, Melanie, at: and read this great interview and enter to win a copy of Misery Loves Company.  It’s a great Christian suspense novel.



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Filed under Featured Author & Book Giveaway, New Arrivals

God Always Makes Room For Us

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“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”  (Matthew 7:7 NIV)

In my Father’s house there was always room for family. An extra bed could be the couch, a roll away bed or a pallet on the floor.  No one was ever turned away.  An extra place could always be set at the table.  Food, conversation, and laughter were always plentiful for us and for anyone we brought home with us.

There is nothing my father would withhold from his children.  When we were little, he worked long hours in a hot kitchen so that we could have the things we needed.  Even after we left home to marry and start families of our own, we knew that we could always come back to my father’s house for advice, for comfort, and for emotional or financial support.

If we knocked at the door, no matter what the hour, we were certain that the door would be opened and that we would be well-received, and that anyone we brought with us would be welcomed warmly and sincerely.

In my Heavenly Father’s House, there are many mansions.  Someday I will live there.  In the meantime, I can pray asking for what I need for myself and for others.  I can be certain that my Father will listen.  He will not withhold wisdom and comfort, mercy and grace, or forgiveness.  If I seek Him and bring others to meet with Him, he will be gracious, and He will receive them also.  He will fill them with wisdom, shower them with love, heal them and comfort them as he does all those of us who have been grafted into His family.

Dearest Heavenly Father,

You are our Abba. You are also our Lord, our God and King whom we worship in spirit and in truth.   We love you and want to be with you.  Every day we come to you asking for spiritual food for us and for others.  We come seeking your wisdom, your love, your mercy, and your grace.  We know that when we knock on Your door, we will be received, accepted, fed, healed and returned to our daily life refreshed and replenished.  Forgive us when we hesitate to knock on the door.  Forgive us when we fail to bring others to you.  Today, we come asking, seeking and knocking.  We long to be embraced, fed and strengthened.

In the name of Jesus, who fed the multitudes and feeds us still with His Word,



Filed under Friday Gleanings by Carmen

The Miner’s Lady (Land of Shining Water, Book 3) by Tracie Peterson (5 Stars)

The Miner’s Aren’t The Only Danger These Families Face


The Miner’s Lady (Land of Shining Water #3) by Tracie Peterson (5 Stars)

Remember the Hatfield’s and McCoy’s?  Well, their feud has nothing on the feud between the families of the Panetta’s and Calarco’s.  These two Italian American families have hated each other for many decades, going all the way back to Italy and a mule.  I know that doesn’t make sense to you now, but it will when you read the book.

Isabella Panetta and Orlando Calarco have fallen desperately in love.  Yet the father’s of both families are totally against it and forbid them from seeing each other.  They enlist their older siblings, Chantel Panetta and Dante Calarco to help them.  Chantel is much more receptive to them, because she has a deep love for the Lord and hates the feud between the families.  While, Dante is not quite so willing.  But the beautiful Chantel is slowly wearing him down.

There’s so much I want to say, but to say anything will give away some of the story and you just have to go into this story open to God’s workings and be ready to be swept away with emotion after emotion after several tragedies occur.  But God has not left them to deal with these things alone.  He is forever working in their lives and we get the privilege to read this story and watch the lives of these families unfold.  I laughed some, I cried a lot.  It’s an excellent story of God’s redemption and grace.

Although this is Book 3 in the series, it does not have to be read in order.  Each story is totally separate with the characters, but the setting is always in Minnesota. This is Christian fiction, yet the characters faith is so entwined in their lives, that the book does not come across as preachy.  Anyone who loves historical, romantic suspense will love this book.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers for my honest opinion and did not receive any compensation for a favorable review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Let’s meet Tracie:


I encourage you to visit this link to Tracie’s website and view her videos.  She talks about herself and shares about her family and then there is a section of frequently asked questions and you can click on the question and will be directed to another website.  You’ll then have to search for her name on the list of authors on the right-hand side and then you can listen to her answer those questions.  I loved it!  It makes it so much more personal knowing the author better and how she goes about her day and what inspires her and how she works.  I think you’ll enjoy this as much as I did! 


Filed under Book Reviews

The Deepest Waters by Dan Walsh – FREE e-Book – September 18, 2013

I just found this book and it’s FREE, but I don’t know how long it will be that way.  SO, if you want it, get it now!  It may be free on other e-readers, so check them out.  I’m just listing the link to the Kindle store.


Filed under Free E-Books

Free E-Book – September 17, 2013

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Here’s a good list of e-books today.  The only one that I know for sure about the pricing date is the first book.  All the others, your guess is as good as mine.  I have only listed the link to the kindle store, but if you  have another type of e-reader, check their store because these books may be on sale there too!  And click on the authors names to be directed to their websites, they have some really great websites and lots of info.  It fun to browse around and see what else they have written and to read their bio and some have other fun stuff.  So, check them out!


Filed under Free E-Books

Free and Discounted E-Books – September 15, 2013

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  • FREE (9/15 – 9/16) on Kindle:  While the World Watched: A Birmingham Bombing Survivor Comes of Age during the Civil Rights Movement by Carolyn Maull McKinstry and Denise George (Tyndale House Publishers)
  • FREE on Kindle:  The Measure of Katie Calloway by Serena B. Miller
  • $2.51 on Kindle:  Searching for Heaven on Earth: How to Find What Really Matters in Life by David Jeremiah

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Filed under Free E-Books

The Quarryman’s Bride (Land of Shining Water Book 2) by Tracie Peterson (5 Stars)

Family Loyalty and Lost Love


The Quarryman’s Bride by Tracie Peterson

It’s 1886 in St. Cloud, Minnesota and seventeen year-old Emmalyne Knox was engaged to marry Tavin MacLachlan in a few weeks.  But tragedy struck the town and her family especially and now because of an old family tradition, she is now the youngest daughter and is expected to remain living with her parents to care for them the rest of her life.  There was no changing her father, Luthias Knox’s mind.  He packed up and moved his remaining family away and for 11 long years all Emmalyne did was care for her parents and brother, Angus (the only bright spot in her life) and daily wondered about Tavin.  Her heart breaking each time she thought of all she had lost.

Luthias Knox is a very hard, unyielding man.  He has no love in him and it shows in the way he treats his wife, daughter and son.  He ruined his daughter’s life, yet she felt like it was her duty to honor her parents as God had said in His Word.  Now after 11 long years circumstances change and they move back to St. Cloud, Minnesota.  Her father will be working with Robert MacLachlan, Tavin’s father.  He now owns a quarry and has offered Luthias a job.  But Emmalyne is scared.  Will Tavin still be there?  Will he be married and have children?  Can she bare to see that and will her heart break again?

But as with all things, God has a master plan and although this book is full of pain and heartache, it’s also full of love, redemption and restoration.  I loved reading every word, even thought sometimes I got so mad at Mr. Knox!  This is a wonderful book and anyone who loves historical romantic fiction that is not sappy, but gritty and tense and not always the “happily ever after for everyone story” will love this book.  It keeps you wondering what will happen between Emmalyne and Tavin and there’s a new doctor in town that has his eyes on Emmalyne too.  I highly recommend this book and series.  This is not the type of series you have to read in order.  Each book is separate, they are just all set in Minnesota.  So just go pick one up and enjoy!  I’m picking up, The Miner’s Lady #3, today!

Let’s learn more about the author:


I encourage you to visit this link to Tracie’s website and view her videos.  She talks about herself and shares about her family and then there is a section of frequently asked questions and you can click on the question and will be directed to another website.  You’ll then have to search for her name on the list of authors on the right-hand side and then you can listen to her answer those questions.  I loved it!  It makes it so much more personal knowing the author better and how she goes about her day and what inspires her and how she works.  I think you’ll enjoy this as much as I did!


Filed under Book Reviews