
Our Wonderful Staff are: Glendia, Elaine, Linda

We are the Media Center of  Winterville First Baptist Church in Winterville, Georgia.  The earliest documented library services date back to 1944 and we were located in the basement for many years.  In 1998 Margaret Carmichael donated funds that allowed us to move to our present location adjacent to the sanctuary.  We were able to purchase a computer and library software to house our vast collection of media.  Our church is blessed to be able to provide a variety of Christian media for our members.

You may contact us at:   churchmediacenter@gmail.com

Our main door is located in the Educational Foyer, right before you enter the sanctuary.


Sunday morning: 9:00am – 9:30am; 10:30am – 10:45am (we will open back up after the morning worship service for 10 minutes)

Wednesday night: 6:00pm – 7:30pm


We have something for everyone (children, youth, adults) and for every occasion.  We have books (fiction, non-fiction, biographies, reference), DVDs, audio books, music CDs, sermons (both DVD & CD).


Members and regular attendees may check out media from the Media Center during our regular hours.  Media is checked out for a period of two weeks.  After that, you will receive a notice by e-mail reminding you to either return or renew the materials you checked out.  Items may be renewed as long as there is no waiting list.  If the media is damaged or lost, we will greatly appreciate a donation in order for us to replace the item.

Coming in the main door to our Media Center. Junior & Youth non-fiction on bottom of display. The main room is half of the Christian adult fiction room. The room in the far left goes to our non-fiction, biographies, DVDs, music CDs, sermon DVDs/CDs.

Coming in the main door to our Media Center. Junior & Youth non-fiction on bottom of display. The main room is half of the Christian adult fiction room. The room in the far left goes to our non-fiction, biographies, DVDs, music CDs, sermon DVDs/CDs.

This is the other side of the room with our Christian adult fiction.

This is the other side of the room with our Christian adult fiction.

This is our children's non-fiction and fiction section.

This is our children’s non-fiction and fiction section.

In the same as the children's book, we have our Junior fiction and Youth fiction books.

In the same as the children’s book, we have our Junior fiction and Youth fiction books.

This is a closer look at part of the room with our biographies & non-fiction.

This is a closer look at part of the room with our biographies, non-fiction & music CDs.

This is the rest of our non-fiction collection.

This is the rest of our non-fiction collection.

This is our DVD, Bible Study, books on CD section.

This is our DVD, Bible Study, books on CD section.

6 responses to “About

  1. Maylin B

    It is a wonderful place to browse, get good hints for wonderful books to read. We love to have folks come by and ask questions I always tell them that Carmen and Debbie will be there soon.

  2. This looks lovely. I’m sure, if I didn’t live on the other side of the world, I’d pay it a visit!

    • Thank you for your compliment. We have been blessed with a wonderful space for our church Media Center and so many books! Where do you live? I’m finding it amazing to connect to people all around the world through our blog. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll find yourself in Georgia and can connect with us and visit our small town of Winterville.

      • Hi Debbie,
        I’m from Australia. I agree, love it how blogs connect people from everywhere! I’ll keep that in mind if I’m in Georgia. Do want to travel to the States at some point in my life!

  3. Just nominated you for the Liebster Award!! I love your blog and hope that this brings you great encouragement.

    I’ve Been Nominated: The Liebster Award

  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You have just WON the Stranded Giveaway on my blog 🙂

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