What Are You Reading Today?



I thought it would be fun to see what all of my followers and anyone else who visits our blog is currently reading?  We might get some great ideas from each other!

Right now I’m actively reading, Blowing on Dandelions by Miralee Ferrell.  I’ll be publishing a review in the next few days I hope…things keep getting in my way of reading lately!  Not good!

I’m also reading, Sparkly Green Earrings by Melanie Shankle.  I was up in the middle of the night on Monday with my back hurting, so I pulled this book up on my kindle!  If it had been during the day I would have been laughing out loud (didn’t want to wake my hubby) and I had to have lots of tissues to wipe my eyes, because I was silently laughing so much I was crying…can’t wait to get back to this book! 🙂

And I’ve been slowing reading a great devotional book, Walking with Bilbo by Sarah Arthur.  If you are a Hobbit and Lord of the Rings fan like me, you’ll love this book of devotions.  I think I’m taking my time, because I don’t want to finish it.  I’m sure this will be one I’ll refer to again and again.

So….what are you reading?  Let me know!




Filed under Just Me!

16 responses to “What Are You Reading Today?

  1. “That used to be us” by Tom Freidman. Let me finish that and write a review.

  2. I checked out Sweet Mercy by Ann Tatlock from the Media Center a while back. As usual, I got busy and returned it before I finished it. Yesterday, I found the book for 60% off at The Carpenter’s Shop. I started reading it again and it’s like I’ve been transported to the 1930’s during the time of the Great Depression, but also the time of Prohibition and gangsters. Can’t wait to find out how our 17 year old heroine navigates the secrets of her extended family, a mysterious cousin, the dangers of suddenly knowing too much about her uncle Cy’s part in racketeering, if indeed he is involved… There’s also a handsome young man waiting in the wings. Who is he? And how will his character be woven into the story? I won’t know till I finish, so I better get back to my book

  3. Right now, I am trying to dig into The Outcast by Jolina Petersheim.

  4. Gwen Newman

    The House on Malcolm Street by Leisha Kelly.

  5. I am reading Talon by Ronie Kendig. I will also be posting a review later today. Looking forward to reading your review on Blowing on Dandelions.

  6. I have just started reading Face of Betrayal by Lis Wiehl. This will be the first book of hers I’ve read and I am not sure what I think of it just yet. I am still all too new to this whole Christian Mystery genre and I am hoping to find that really great author.

    It is interesting to see all the books people are reading, please keep sharing 🙂

    • I read one of her books, it’s been awhile and I really can’t remember it. But if you want Christian mystery, here’s just a few to try: Brandilyn Collins, Kathy Herman, Robert Whitlow, Nancy Mehl, Colleen Coble, Dana Mentink, and I know there are lots more but my mind has just gone blank! I’ll have to look on the shelves tonight at church and come up with some more for you to try.

  7. I’m about to start Cottage by the Sea by Robin Jones Gunn. It’s been on my to-read list for a while and I was finally able to get it out of the library. Just reading this one for fun though… probably won’t write a review 🙂

  8. I am reading The Icecutter’s daughter by Tricia Goyer and I started The Inferno by Dan Brown. Thanks for asking. Both books are good so far!
    Mary Lou K f

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