Free E-Book Today by Louie Giglio

Today, June 7, 2016, you can get a free e-book by Louie Giglio and Matt Redman.

Indescribable by Louie Giglio and Matt Redman


Putting this powerful message into print for the first time, visionary pastor Louie Giglio and songwriter Matt Redman team up to write a heart-stirring book about the mysteries of God’s creation. Indescribable takes readers on a journey through the vastness of outer space and into the depths of the soul.

Modern science allows viewers to see farther into space than ever before, and every step draws them closer to the God who breathed each star into existence. In Indescribable, the authors intertwine devotional insights with remarkable scientific facts that awaken both mind and spirit. As Giglio and Redman write, God turnswonderers into worshipers.

Above all, Indescribable is a call to worship—an invitation to know and be known by the God of all creation and to become more passionate worshipers of Jesus Christ.



Filed under Free E-Books

2 responses to “Free E-Book Today by Louie Giglio

  1. karen jones

    Thank you! Have it on my Kindle now.
    It’s good to hear from you. It’s been


    • Hi Karen! I’m glad you saw the post and downloaded the book. It has been a while since I was doing the blog all the time. I’m no longer in the Media Center as director. Health issues…getting old 🙂 And now we just have some volunteers keeping it running. But no one wanted to learn how to do the blog! Imagine that! I am trying to remember to post freebies and discounted books as I see them. There aren’t as many free e-books as there used to be though.

      Have a great day and God bless,

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