Tag Archives: Witnessing

Fly Away by Lynn Austin

What can I say to describe this relatively small book now that I’m finished.  From the author’s note at the beginning telling about all the heartbreaking events that were going on in her life when she wrote this book to the Epilogue it was a wonderful journey.  It was one of her first books and it is amazing!  When I started the first chapter I thought it was okay and maybe a little slow, but “Hey, this is one of her first books, so I’ll give her a pass because she’s an excellent writer and she had to start somewhere, right?”  Well, don’t let the beginning of this book fool you.  It is powerful, it is amazing, it is life changing, it is one of her best books!51+MEMMc5FL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_

Wilhelmina Brewster was forced to retire from her teaching position at Faith College.  That was her whole life.  She’d played the piano from childhood to retirement and she didn’t know how to do anything else.  Literally, she had never had a life apart from the piano.  While other kids were playing and going places and having fun, Wilhelmina was playing the piano.  Now, her life as she has always known it, was over.  She’s mad at God for letting this happen.  Yes, she’s a Christian, yet she never fully knew how to truly live the abundant life that God promised.  

Mike Dolan, a regular man, not educated like Wilhelmina, just down to earth and full of life, gets some bad news.  His cancer is back.  But even with that death sentence staring him in the face, he is still full of life and caring of others, and always wanting to do something fun.  He’s not a Christian.  Yet, his life is overflowing in joy and Wilhelmina’s life is stagnant. So, how can Wilhelmina tell him about Jesus? 

These two meet and the story picks up and you’ll laugh, you’ll find yourself questioning your life, you’ll rejoice, you’ll cry, you’ll never be the same.  One good quote from this book, “We have two choices, you and I; we can lose ourselves in despair or find ourselves in Christ.”

I can’t say anymore other than this book is worth reading.  It’s worth sharing.  It’s an amazing story of how God can take two people and change their lives so dramatically, and you can sit, read and watch the whole process as it unwinds.  Even be able to see how past prayers can still be heard. 

Our Summer Book Club will be discussing this book next week and I can’t wait to talk about it with everyone.

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