Tag Archives: Healing-Fiction

Grace in Strange Disguise by Christine Dillon

This is the first book I’ve read by Christine Dillon.  She writes a very heavy evangelical story and although this is not what I read all the time, I did enjoy this book.  She did a great job of keeping me interested in the storyline, while at the same time the message of Jesus was flowing so effortlessly.  51duHRML94L

This is about a young woman, Esther, who finds out she has cancer.  Her father is a very well known pastor of a mega church in Australia and he believes that through prayer, faith, and repented sin, Esther will be healed.  And if she isn’t then something is wrong in her life.  He is a very legalistic person and throughout the book you wonder if he even knows the true Christ.  

Esther’s life is completely turned upside down by this diagnosis and events happen that make her start to rethink her faith in Jesus.  Why is God letting this happen?  Why won’t He heal her?  What’s wrong with her that is keeping healing from happening?  Wonderful questions that we ask all the time and Christine Dillon does a wonderful job of weaving the story of Jesus and His love for us throughout this book. It’s a book I won’t forget soon.  I may keep in on my kindle for future reference.  It would be a great book for anyone who is struggling with their faith or health problems or just wanting to know how to go about sharing Jesus with others.  It’s a different kind of novel.  Fiction, yes, but you learn so much, it’s almost like a non-fiction book too. 

One quote from the book, “It’s a package deal.  I can’t pick and choose the bits of the Bible I like.  It’s either all God’s word or it isn’t.  If it isn’t, then I’m wasting my time and deluding others.”  That’s so true.  You can’t just pick out verses and make it work for you and ignore the others.  It’s all God Word and it’s all about God and His love and redemption for us.

Thank you, Christine Dillon, for a very different and powerful novel. 

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