Tag Archives: Christian fiction suspense

Criss Cross by C.C. Warrens: E-Book is FREE! September 7-11, 2018

I’m a day late in posting this, but you still have time to download Criss Cross, the first book in the Holly Novel series by C.C. Warrens.  This is an amazing series. Each book builds on each other with more insights into the characters and more suspense (and humor), until Book 3, Crossed Off, and the suspense level is off the charts!!!  I literally had to put the book down several times just to catch my breath and remind myself that this was fiction!

This is a great way to start off this series, thank you, C.C. Warrens for sharing this amazing e-book for FREE.

Her new series, Injustice For All (Seeking Justice Book 1) has just been released in Amazon kindle for $3.99.  This series follows Detective Marx, from the Holly Novels, as he seeks justice and continues with Holly’s story.  I’ve read it and it’s great!  I’ll be posting a review soon.




Filed under Free E-Books